Friday May 17, 2024
11th Annual NJBDA Symposium
Theme: Artificial Intelligence Impacts on Society & Higher Education
Host: Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University
The theme for the 2024 NJBDA symposium is ‘AI Impacts on Society & Higher Education’. The symposium will be a collaborative forum for information sharing, networking, research and discovery of opportunities and challenges of AI in society and higher education i.e. how will AI transform higher ed teaching and learning, how can university leaders effectively leverage and manage AI, AI misuse, the expanding digital divide, data bias and ethical implications.
The NJBDA’s annual symposium is New Jersey’s premier conference for big data & advanced computing, consistently attracting 200+attendees from industry, government, and academia.
This year’s symposium will be held in person at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
The venue is the Douglass Student Center, located at 100 George Street, New Brunswick, New Jersey. (Google Maps)
Research Presentations
Thank you to everyone who submitted research presentation abstracts for the symposium.
Student Poster Submissions
Please submit abstracts for the student poster sessions by April 21, 2024 May 1, 2024. Digital poster submissions are due by Tuesday, May 14, 2024. Learn more at the Student Poster Submission page.
For sponsorship information, please contact Margaret Brennan-Tonetta or Jim Samuel.
Registration is now closed.
Keynote Speakers

Sherry Marcus
Director of Amazon Bedrock Science, Amazon Web Services
Gen AI : Navigating the Transformative Era of Artificial Intelligence
We are faced with the unprecedented challenge and opportunity of navigating the transformative era of artificial intelligence, spearheaded by Generative AI (Gen AI). AI is ubiquitous and represents a seismic shift in how businesses operate, innovate, and interact with society. In this dynamic landscape, we must separate the facts from the hype, harness the potential, and mitigate the risks associated with AI-driven transformation.

Shiren Vijiasingam
Chief Product Officer, Instructure
The (r)evolution of AI in education
AI has been a leading topic of discussion for several years now. With the evolution of so many startups and AI usage across multiple industry sectors, there is a growing demand for AI expansion into the higher education market. This presentation will focus on the growing role of AI in the learning experience. Where is AI going, how is it defined, and how can institutions harness the value of change that AI brings for students, faculty, and industry.
Download Agenda (PDF): 2024 NJBDA Symposium Agenda
View Symposium Brochure (PDF): 2024 NJBDA Symposium Brochure
8:30 – 9:00
- Registration: 1st Floor/Trayes Hall
- Continental breakfast: 1st Floor/Trayes Hall
- Research and Student Posters: 1st Floor/Trayes Hall
- Exhibits: 1st Floor/Lobby
9:00 – 9:45
- Matthew Hale, President, NJBDA; Professor, Seton Hall University
- Stuart Shapiro, Dean, Rutgers Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
- Francine Conway, Chancellor, Rutgers University – New Brunswick
- Brian Bridges, Secretary of Higher Education, State of New Jersey
9:45 – 10:30
Keynote Address: AI Impacts on Society
Sherry Marcus, Director of Amazon Bedrock Science, Amazon Web Services
10:30 – 10:45
Break & Networking
10:45 – 12:00
Breakout Sessions
Breakout Session 1 – Research Track:
The symposium Research Track features presentations on applied research in Big Data, AI, and Machine Learning.
Research Track Chair: Forough Ghahramani, Assistant Vice President for Research & Innovation, Edge and Vice President for Research and Collaborations, NJBDA
Research Session 1: AI in Education
Location: Meeting Room B
Moderator: Abhishek Tripathi, Department of Accounting and Information Systems, The College of New Jersey
Empowering Our Academic Community: Elevating AI Literacy and Integrating GAI Policies into the Syllabi
- Shiang-Kwei Wang, Ph.D., Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost, Hostos Community College, City University of New York
Leveraging and Google Cloud: A Multi-Faceted Approach to AI in Education
- Lukman Ramsey, Google Cloud
Large Language Model powered chatbot for educational institutions
- Satish M. Srinivasan, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University Great Valley
Navigating Artificial Intelligence in Personalize Learning and Student Success
- Sonal Pandey, Ph.D., Department of Agricultural, Food & Resource Economics, School of Environmental & Biological Sciences, Rutgers University
Research Session 2: AI in Healthcare
Location: Meeting Room E
Moderator: Bala Desinghu, Office of Advanced Research Computing (OARC), Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey
Achieving Fairness Certification with Differential Privacy
- Hai Phan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Data Science Ph.D. Program Director, Ying Wu College of Computing, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Enhancing the Performance of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Academic Knowledge Mining through Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
- Nishitha Chidipothu, Rutgers University, and Richard Anderson, Rutgers University
Innovative Application of Convolutional Neural Networks in Diagnosing Type II Diabetes Mellitus Through Voice Analysis
- Mohammad Ali Saghiri, Ph.D., Department of Restorative Dentistry, Rutgers School of Dental Medicine
AI-Powered Diagnosis of Malocclusions
- Mohammad Ali Saghiri, Ph.D., Department of Restorative Dentistry, Rutgers School of Dental Medicine
Research Session 3: Deep Learning and Large Language Models
Location: Meeting Room C
Moderator: Hieu Duc Nguyen, Ph.D., Rowan University
Estimating Blueberry Crop Yield using Deep Learning & Smart Drones
- Brandon McHenry, Rowan University
How did we get here? Tracing the Evolution of Generative AI
- Tina Nosrati, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Using Machine Learning and AI to Predict Eligibility, for Rental Assistance, in FEMA Programs
- Rohith Sanku, The Data Science Institute, Saint Peter’s University
A Novel RAG-Enhanced LLM Framework for Geoscientific Exploration: Optimizing Question-Answering for Mineral Deposit Classification with Generative AI
- Tanya Khanna, Rutgers University
Poster Research Session:
Location: Trayes Hall
Analyzing Global Food Prices
- Naga Vara Praveena Makineni, Saint Peter’s University
A Study on the Dark Sides of AI on the Future of Education: A Novel Classification of Challenges Impacting Use Cases
Ali Mohammad Saghiri, Ph.D., William Paterson University
Leveraging Machine Learning for the Prediction of Dentin Quality Through Trace Element Analysis
- Devyani Nath, Rutgers School of Dental Medicine
Leveraging Hugging Face APIs For Sentimental Analysis and Insights from Customer Reviews
- Konyala Anusha, Saint Peter’s University
Breakout Session 2 – Design Justice AI Presentation
Location: 2nd Floor/Douglass Lounge
- Lauren Goodlad, Distinguished Professor of English and Chair, Critical AI @ Rutgers, Rutgers University
- Matthew Stone, Professor, Computer Science, Rutgers University
Breakout Session 3 – Generative AI – NLP & LLM Workshop
Location: 3rd Floor Computer Lab
Generative AI with NLP and Large Language Models – Interactive Python Workshop
- Meng Ye, Advanced Computer Scientist, SRI International
- Jim Samuel, Associate Professor, Bloustein School, Rutgers University
Breakout Session 4 – Student Poster Session
Location: Trayes Hall
Session Chair: Hieu Nguyen, Professor, Mathematics, Rowan University
- Look before you Link: Interactive Visualization Workflows for Assessing Privacy-Utility Trade-offs in Linkable Open Data, Kaustav Bhattacharjee, NJ Institute of Technology
- Is this Relevant? Crisis Information Sensemaking Using Visual Analytics, Vrushali Koli, Jun Yuan, Kaustav Bhattacharjee, Aritra Dasgupta, NJ Institute of Technology
- AI: A Double-Edged Sword? Exploring the Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence, Dylon Brannigan, Parth Patel, Jeffrey Su, Hieu Do, Stockton University
- Student Academic Performance Prediction Using Regression-Based Classifier, Buddhi Ayesha. Bhanuka Mahanama, Wishmitha Mendis, Adessha Jayasooriya, Malaka Dayasiri, Uthayasanker Thayasivam, Rowan University
- AI in TB Detection on Medical Big Data with Health and Educational Impacts, Jyoti Yadav, Montclair State University
- Analyzing The Dynamics of Sex Offenses In The United States, Zainab Makhdum, Ramapo College of NJ
- Detecting Blueberry Scorch Disease using Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Drones, Robert Czarnota, Jacob Green, Camden County College; Brandon McHenry, Anthony Thompson, Harper Zappone, Rowan University
- The Role of Data Analysis in performing Predictive Analytics for Ship Scheduling(PASS) for the US Navy, Jainam Shah, NJ Institute of Technology
- Solar Panel Detection and Energy Estimation in Satellite Imagery with GIS, CNNs and ViTs, Cristian Noriega & Blessing Austin, Rolih Ferdinand, Ernest Chianumba, Montclair State University
- Blueberry Drone AI: Estimating Crop Yield using Deep Learning & Smart Drones, Luke Tonon, Brandon McHenry, Anthony Thompson, Harper Zappone, Rowan University; Jacob Green, Camden Community College
- AI and Workforce Readiness: Preparing for the Future of Work, Hema Ravi Teja Bollam, Rakesh Koneru, Sarju Tuladhar, Montclair State University
- Interpretable AI: Using Provably Optimal Sparse Tree Algorithms in Healthcare Mushran Khan, Caleb Rodriguez, Rutgers University
12:00 – 1:00
Lunch, Networking, Exhibits
- Location: 1st Floor/Trayes Hall
- Posters: 1st Floor/Trayes Hall
- Exhibits: 1st Floor/Lobby
- Best Student Poster Awards
- Journal of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence – Best Paper Awards
All afternoon sessions will take place in 1st Floor/Trayes Hall.
1:00 – 1:45
Keynote Address – AI Impacts on Higher Education
Shiren Vijiasingam, Chief Product Officer, Instructure
1:45 – 2:30
Panel Discussion: AI Skills for a Transforming Workforce
In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, AI is playing a transformative role in reshaping industries and redefining job roles. As organizations increasingly adopt AI technologies, the demand for a skilled workforce equipped with AI capabilities is on the rise. This industry panel will explore the essential AI skills and competencies needed to thrive in the workforce of tomorrow.
The panelists will discuss emerging AI technologies, critical skills such as data analysis and ethical AI practices, and strategies for bridging the AI skills gap. Join us to gain valuable insights into navigating and excelling in an AI-driven future.
Moderator: Rashmi Jain, Department Chair and Professor of Information and Operations Management, Feliciano School of Business, Montclair State University
- Melanie Murphy, former Chief Analytics Officer, Fluent
- Sriram Sridhar, Director, Translational Data Science, Genmab
- Justin Trugman, Co-Founder and Head of Technology, BetterFutureLabs
- Doug Vargo, Vice President, Consulting Services, CGI
Panel Organizing Committee:
- Rashmi Jain, Department Chair and Professor of Information and Operations Management, Feliciano School of Business, Montclair State University
- Sho Islam, Division Head for Life Sciences and Food Innovation, Middlesex County
- Doug MacDonald, Technology Sector Lead, New Jersey Economic Development Authority
- Jim Samuel, Associate Professor, Bloustein School, Rutgers University
- Joe Suppers, President, Global Sales and Marketing, Swiss Vault
2:30 – 2:45
Break and Networking
2:45 – 3:30
Panel Discussion: AI Impacts on Teaching and Research
The expansion of AI will change fundamental aspects of higher education and research. Everything from grading to lecture formats to data collection, management and analysis will be changed because of AI. This panel will explore ways that AI challenges our long- standing approaches to teaching, research and engagement in society.
Moderator: Matthew Hale, Associate Professor and MPA Program Chair, Department of Political Science and Public Affairs, Seton Hall University
- Vishal Misra, Vice Dean & Professor of Computer Science and AI, Columbia University
- Juan Rios, Professor, Social Work Program, Seton Hall University
- Wade Trappe, Associate Dean of Research, Rutgers School of Engineering
- Sonia Yaco, Digital Initiatives Librarian, Rutgers University
Panel Organizing Committee:
- Matthew Hale, Associate Professor and MPA Program Chair, Department of Political Science and Public Affairs, Seton Hall University
- Peggy Brennan-Tonetta, Director, Resource and Economic Development, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Rutgers University
- Rajiv Kashyap, Professor and Chair, Department of Marketing and Management Sciences, William Paterson University
- Susan Oldenburg, Geographic Information Systems Specialist, Office of Advanced Research Computing, Rutgers University
- Jim Samuel, Associate Professor, Bloustein School, Rutgers University
Closing Remarks
- Jim Samuel, Professor, Rutgers Bloustein School; Editor, Journal of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
- Peggy Brennan-Tonetta, Past President, NJBDA; Sr. Associate Director, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Rutgers University
- Matthew Hale, President, NJBDA; Associate Professor, Seton Hall University
NJBDA thanks our sponsors:

Marketing Partners
About the NJBDA
The New Jersey Big Data Alliance (NJBDA) is an alliance of 36 higher education institutions and numerous industry and government members, that catalyzes collaboration in AI, advanced computing and data analytics research, education and technology. The NJBDA recently welcomed New Jersey’s 18 community colleges as new members.
Registration is now closed.