2022 NJBDA Symposium call for abstracts
March 25, 2022 All day
The NJBDA Annual Symposium brings together academia, government and industry from across the state and beyond, to share information on the latest innovations, research and future directions in Big Data. The concept for this year is: Education and Training of a Big Data Workforce: Building a Pipeline for a Data-Driven Economy. We invite faculty/researchers to submit abstracts of their research for presentation at the symposium.
Abstracts should be a maximum of 650 words and submitted by March 25, 2022. Indicate your name, email, department, university affiliation, title of presentation and track, at the top of the abstract. This information does not count towards the 650-word limit. Notification of acceptance by April 15, 2022.
Submit Abstract to: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=9thannualnjbdasympos
More information: Call for Abstracts