Intelligent Informatics @ Bloustein Workshop and Seminar Series – Nov 11 (Zoom/in-person)
November 11, 2022 @ 11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Knowledge Graphs in Natural Language Processing: Overcome Domain Adaptation Challenges in Language Models
The event is hosted by the PISG, the MPI program and the Rutgers Urban & Civic Informatics (RUCI) Lab, the Bloustein Student Services and BGSA in collaboration with our partners at Rutgers University and our external collaborators.
Event presented by Vivek Kumar, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Scholar, University of Cagliari, Italy
Vivek Kumar is an NLP Enthusiast. He is presently working as a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Researcher with the University of Cagliari, Italy and Philips Research, Netherlands for PhilHumans (European Commission, Horizon 2020, ITN project). Prior to this, he worked as a Research Engineer for the project “Search for Hidden Particle” (SHiP) of the European Commission of Nuclear Research (CERN) at NUST-MiSiS. He received his MS degree from NUST-MiSiS in Computer Science. In his career so far, he has authored several publications with Journals, Book Series and Conferences of International repute. He is also the reviewer / editor for several Journals and International Conferences of IEEE, Springer, ACM, etc;
PISG Student leaders will present their experiences with studying informatics and analytics at the Bloustein School. Prof. Jim Samuel, Director of the Master of Public Informatics (MPI) program, will provide closing comments on the potential for using NLP in AI for public good initiatives.
ZOOM: https://rutgers.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HUlNtxeWT4-V3lKbid4ODw
In person: RSVP to rucilab@ejb.rutgers.edu
Room 112, Bloustein School, 33 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ
Pizza and drinks will be available for in-person attendees!
Informatics ‘Listening Session’ will start @ 12:15 PM