James Abello
Director, Master’s Program, Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University
James Abello is the co-editor of External Memory Algorithms, Vol. 50 of the AMS-DIMACS series (with J. Vitter, 1999), The Kluwer Handbook of Massive Data Sets (with P. Pardalos and M. Resende, 2002), and Discrete Methods in Epidemiology (with G. Cormode). James’s research focus has been on Algorithms and Data Structures, Massive Data Sets, Algorithm Animation and Visualization, Combinatorial and Computational Geometry, Discrete Mathematics, and some applications in Petroleum Engineering and Biology. He has held several academic positions and has been a senior member of technical staff at AT&T Shannon Laboratories and Bell Labs. He is currently the director of the master’s program of the computer science department and permanent member of DIMACS, Rutgers University. Information about some of James’s current visualization research projects can be obtained by accessing www.mgvis.com.